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About Us

S2 Medical, founded in Georgia in 2010, is a dedicated and trustworthy supplier of high-quality medical supplies and care to individuals across Georgia, Alabama, Texas, and South Carolina. With roots dating back to 1986, our founder’s expertise in products for spinal cord injuries and related medical products laid the foundation for our commitment to excellence in the healthcare industry.

Big Hearts for Little Hearts

Given the unique needs of children with developmental disabilities and the challenges faced by their families, our brand, Kid’s Corner, has been the cornerstone of our company’s mission from the beginning. Kid’s Corner offers essential supplies and support through state-specific Medicaid programs and is specifically tailored for children with developmental disabilities such as Autism, Special Needs, and Cerebral Palsy.

therapist interacting with special needs child
adults riding bikes

Supplies for Adults

Our commitment to patient care extends beyond pediatrics to include our programs for adults in need of adult incontinence, urinary catheters, and ostomy supplies. Whether for children or adults, we prioritize dependable and timely delivery of supplies so that families and healthcare professionals can focus on patient care.

Our Values

At S2 Medical Supply, our core values define our commitment to patient care and service excellence:

Pediatric Care:

We are a dedicated provider of medical supplies for children with developmental disabilities and work to improve patient outcomes by supplying the best resources and support.


We are a reliable and trustworthy partner for our patients and healthcare providers, delivering supplies consistently and on time.

Service Centered:

We prioritize patient-centered service and dedicated support to ensure every interaction with our team is characterized by empathy, professionalism, and a commitment to meeting the unique needs of our patients.

Contact Us

Whether you’re seeking diapers, catheters, or other medical supplies, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about how we can serve you and your loved ones.